My first web game, Fall, is a simple game but most of the feedback I’ve received is positive. It’s not about fancy graphics or excellent sound; actually, I had to add some sound to the game to meet the requirements for this site. It’s really about a simple game that keeps you thinking, D@%N , I almost reached 3000 points! Anyway, I hope it is accepted and I hope that people find the value in playing it.
Fall was really intended as a test to see if I could create a facebook app using Game Maker HTML 5. I did and among the small crowd who played the game (mostly friends and users of GM), the reception was pretty good. After playing once, most people said it was fun. After playing five or six times they admitted that it was addictive. That is good to hear when you are a game designer. Although, Fall really isn’t an original design, I think the overall design scheme (simplicity), it what maintains the game’s appeal.