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Let's Play M:R by Icefire82g So yeah, I gave one of my friends a press release build of M:R a month before now, he started a Let’s play, as was partially my intent.
Been working on upgrading a lot of the maps to flourish them with life and even more atmosphere! Many of these will be recognized by Demo 2 Players, but some are yet virgin territory.
Livestream and Inteview NOW LIVE!
Just some of the many glorious new faces appearing in Demo 3~!
I feel bad that you will have to tolerate the old version of this now until Demo 3 comes out, this is such an outstanding upgrade!
Enjoy, a preview of what's to come~!
So yeah cinematic remasters are coming along, only 4 remain and they are all fairly small orders. All the major cinematic overhauls are done!
One of the cool boss fights coming to Demo 3 for the main story of Fantasia! This shade-slingin' skeletopian knows how to party- and is most happy to teach you!
Fighting a Devilcat of this magnitude would be suicidal for most people... it's just as well than that you aren't "most people"! Poor one out for Denise Ding: Tiramisa's superb voice actor.
ChimpCast coming soon!
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