The origins of my version of Nazo the Hedgehog, revolve around the lore revealed in Sonic Frontiers...
As The End approached, bringing annihilation to their civilization, the Ancients sought a last-ditch effort to protect their people. They created their finest weapon, a being infused with their own DNA, much like how Shadow was perfected with Black Doom’s genetic material.
This weapon was named Nazo, designed to protect those who remained on the Starfall Islands while others piloted the Titans to face The End directly.
To enhance Nazo's power, the Ancients equipped him with absorption rings capable of harnessing Cyber Energy. These rings would absorb corruption from the digital realm and channel it into Nazo’s strength.
However, The End became aware of Nazo's presence and marked him as a threat. In a desperate attempt to protect the Ancients, Nazo absorbed immense amounts of Cyber Corruption, far beyond what his body could handle. Overwhelmed, he became trapped within Cyber Space, helpless as The End annihilated those on the Starfall Islands.
Trapped in Cyber Space for what felt like an eternity, Nazo honed his abilities and searched tirelessly for an escape. His isolation persisted until Sonic and his friends destroyed The End, breaking its influence over Cyber Space. With the Starfall Islands now abandoned, Nazo was finally released—but he emerged deeply corrupted by the cyber energy he had absorbed.
Determined to find purpose in his freedom, Nazo recalled the Ancients’ theories about converting Cyber Corruption into raw power. While exploring the remnants of the islands, he discovered the Phantom Ruby—a gem radiating with extreme levels of cyber energy, yet twisted and unstable.
Driven by his desire to restore the Ancients, Nazo set out to master his corruption, completing the Trials of the Masters and using the Phantom Ruby to push his abilities further. Along the way, he tested the Ruby’s capabilities, using it to amplify his own strength. Through this process, he discovered how to transform Cyber Corruption into a source of unimaginable power.
Harnessing both his own corruption and that of the Phantom Ruby, Nazo underwent a profound transformation, emerging in a new, more formidable form. The Ruby itself changed in the process, its hue shifting to a brilliant blue.
Now wielding immense power, Nazo’s singular goal became clear: to restore the Ancients and rebuild what had been lost. Yet his methods were unyielding and ruthless—he would stop at nothing to achieve the strength necessary to bring his creators back, regardless of the cost.
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