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as fnaf 3’s anniversary comes to a close, i would like to say that whenever i try and play fnaf 3 or any fnaf 3 style game, i attempt to get the good ending, change my mind and go for the bad ending, and then get bored and give up
we did it reddit, vigo 3 coming soon
how it feels to know i can’t play dnaf tis tomorrow because i have to go to the school honors band concert for the entire day
happy trtf 2 day + woman’s day
hopping on the bandwagon
wester is… lost media?
happy fnac 3 day
drion if you can hear us please drop the trtf 4 legalized editon page so we trtf fans can keep eating good
im surprised there’s never been a fnaw fangame with daisy in it that makes use of the fact she has a fucking third eye in the back of head
it’s march aka my birthmonth
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