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(AltverZ 1.7 Plants Overview)
Primal Peashooter - useless cuz of knockback lack. Will be good with knockback only
Primal Potato Mine - arming time is too long. Will be good with 7 sec preparation
Kiwibeast - quite expensive. Will be good with 300 cost
Долина Коррупции, Плотский Бегемот, Kombatnyye Pivovary. Спасибо за бокализацию!
EA is corporation of evil
Mods are inseparable part of TBOI. What mod need to have to surpass success of Antibirth or/and Fiend Folio?
The first and the last
Creeps20 is cool guy, so let's help! What is the main problem of pvz mods?
Pirates is love, 🐑 is pain...
my soul is EMPTY
Of what?