Welcome back to another Fazbear Nights release.
Yes, I'm aware there's been a lot of updates over the past few weeks. However they serve a purpose to improve the game and add more fun and playability. And yeah, it'll never be more popular than Fazbear Nights 2 but it's not about the popularity, it's about the quality ya know?
Anyway here's the changelog:
Changed/improved the main menu.
New key locations and 'functionality'.
Added more map details in some spots.
Added Lumen (software ray tracing) toggle in game.
Increased player speed to be faster than Bonnie and Chica on later nights.
Punishments no longer increase while staying inside the office.
Lowered fan power consumption by a lot. (yeah the fan drains power)
Lowered wait times for certain events.
Some other minor stuff.
If you're wondering why the title says (1/2) I split this update into two parts, this update being the first of the two. The second part will have a lot more map content and other features so keep an eye out!
Also shoutout to these based people!
I appreciate the charged stickers.

Anyway that's all for now!