Oh hello there
If you're looking for some explanation of details, then you are in best place
Or if you want to know where I was then you are in good place too
Or if you just clicked of curiosity
Then hi :)

1 - Hemophobia, Fear of blood
2 - Arachnophobia, Fear of spiders
3 - Trypophobia, fear of small holes or something like that
4 - Ommetapobia, Fear of Eyes
5 - Automatonophobia, Fear of Human-like figures
6 - Acrophobia, Fear of heights
7 - Achluophobia, Fear of darkness. Also
8 - I didn't find name of this fear. It's just fear of heartbeats, organs and others
9 - Trypanophobia, Fear of needles
10 - Cherophobia, fear of hapiness
11 - just weird background
12 - blood, I guess?
That's it
Now, where I was

You're loved and remember this!