3 years ago

Fedetronic when he realizes that he could've just walked out of the Burger Kingdom instead of making his existence everyone's problem



Next up

Messin around in B3D,and made this guy!

If only I knew how to made decent endo and rig I'd probably finish him,but only time will tell 😅

Although a fan game with all nocturnal animals would be interesting tho ngl lulz

Drew this back on the 8th,yes 10 years of FNaF is exciting and crazy to think about...but 10 years of Foxy is more important!

(jk jk...unless?)


Happy 9 years of Stuffed 2:Five Nights at Fedetronic's!

Thanks for sticking around after all these years!

I might revamp this community a bit to improve upon it's looks at somepoint too

Foxy,anything related to him since he's the best character imo

My heavy WIP Foxy collection does have some other things that aren't in the pic due to the fact that I need to clear and organize the shelf above it still lol


The Stuffed Crew

Aight,the Stuffed news broadcaster is outta retirement so here's the brighten version of the teaser I did when it first got posted (unsurprisingly)

Anyways might as well show it!

I made this stupid thing back in January,but wanted to wait a bit before announcing it...then I forgot....


To the MOOOOOON and onwards!

Nostalgic FNAF Fangames

HELLO,sorry for the inactivity but I WILL do a dump of the Refilled poster's I've made later on soon!

I've honestly just forgot to do so ngl whoops👉👈

More info below!