Small Scale For Spriting
Frisk: -_-
Flowey: Scared and a bit of an asshole. Tend to be nice at sometimes
Toriel: Still herself but full of grief
Napstablook: Pissed off and wanting some alone time
sans: he's still sans with his hood on
PAPYRUS: Has crack on his skull from ramming his head on a door. Also he's still him but swears a bit
MK: Still them, but Grumpy
Undyne: Still her murdery-self but with a scar on her eye and extra mudery
Alphys: Is a MAD SCIENTISTS!!! Has awkward moments still
Fauton (Mettaton): Forced to kill a bunch of monsters, innocent and bad.
Asgore: Still himseld but edgy and full of grief
Asriel: Still himself but more sad
Chara: =)
also happy 4th of july