Kliki's lore was always gonna be that her armor was made from loose pieces from a train set, which wasn't reflected at all in her older design. Hopefully this conveys that better.

Next up
WIP for my Undertale Gameboy art project.
Another character from my Underswap take, this time the Flowey role. I don't have a name yet, as I want to start changing up the names and designs to stand out from their canon counterparts. Im case you're wondering, Asgore AND Toriel are in this role.
Decided to go back to my Underswap take since people seem to like it. In Toriel's role, we have Chara. They're meant to look almost like a cave diver, since they isolate themselves from Monster-kind for the most part. They're a bit of an old loon.
Finished up my takes on both Jelix and JELIX: NOIRE. Seriously, check out Deltarune: Fujinora Yaritori. https://on.soundcloud.com/cpKQyheZNitswPWCA (Original designs are in the following images)
Undertale, but nothing's wrong.
Getting ready to start working on character profiles for my Swap AU at some point. Obviously these are just concept scribbles and not what the character art is gonna look like.
Drew Papyrus in a Gameboy style for a personal art project of mine. I don't usually do sprites like this which you can probably tell...💀
God damn it kris.
I hate when people have the most generic names for their role/setting-change AU because then whenever I try to find a specific song from it, I cannot remember what the name of the account was because it's one of A BUNCH OF AUS WITH THE SAME NAME UGGGHHH