From Light
7 years ago

Fig and an Optimized Demo

It’s a bit late in the day but we managed to get our currently super secret backstage pass fig campaign finished in time! You can find it here

Please check it out, give us your feedback on the page, share it, and back us (if you can and want to see more content! <3)

On a slightly unrelated, but still exciting note we are extremely happy to announce that as of right now, our demo should run much more smoothly, no matter the computer you are using. If you had frame rate issues with our previous builds please give this build a try, you’ll notice the difference immediately (and if not, let us know!)

One of the goals we set ourselves for the fig campaign was to get our demo’s framerate under control so more people could play.

When we originally released it a year ago, we never really considered that such a wide range of people would end up playing the game. So when we saw the let’s plays of you guys struggling with those frame drops we knew we had to fix it.

We had plans for fixing the demo in the back burner as we continued developing the game, but now that we’re launching our fig campaign we thought it was the right time to do it.

It is important to us that we can prove to you that we can make a game that will run on your computer, and our previous demo just did not do that. We still want to optimize further, but with the way our demo is structured we can’t do more without significantly remaking the whole thing. We are keeping this in mind for the full version! :)




Next up

Another use of Freeze Frame

The Statue Hall at the Three Trunks Resort

We need Fanart!!!

Ferris Wheel Gif

A Mean Wall

Teaser! Here we have a very quick gif of Lumen and Clarifly coming together, and it looks like they want to make an announcement. Monday should be exciting!! Not much more to say today the post in Monday will make up for today’s post length.

Freeze Frame Mechanic Gif

last day to sign up for our Thunderclap!!!

Fig Campaign Goes Live Tomorrow!!! Our Fig Campaign goes live Tomorrow!!! Get ready to share our campaign page! ✨ You can use this link: