“what” -Springtrap
Hey Enragement Children!
Down to business. I have actually found out what’s causing the bloated filesize and I am currently fixing it. The problem is in the audio! Over 400mb of Audio was in the games files, bloating the download. With it partially cleaned up, I’ve gotten the whole filesize down. Currently I’m trying to import my own music to make the game a little more personalized and try to keep it copyright free. More info on that when I have time.
So, as I stated, I’m going to release a demo patch soon. Probably by the end of this week in fact. The demo patch should fix a few things by the time I’m done with it and change a few things. Here’s what you can expect from the patch:
New Batle BGM for the battles with Pinwheels and Pizzas
Updated dialouge (I Think)
Fix for the bug where a portion of the static stays outside of the pizzeria during TF and Creator’s Dialogue
Difficulty Spike (Not really, but pizza’s needed to be buffed a tad)
Sound fixes that may or may not be related to punching
A new Random Encounter that yeilds goodies
Improved Enragement Child that updates every location
So, with that in mind, I also wanted to say that I’ve worked out all of the Unique skills for the Toys and I’m working hard on the story. A couple sidequests are in develoopment.
As an added bonus, I’ve programmed and tested *Springtrap*** **as a character, and plan to work on his plotline after the Toys. (Yes, I’ve beaten FNaFB 3 and I’m well aware of his personality and such.)
After all is said and done, I’ll release a full demo featuring only the Toys as playable characters and lock the demo after, so please continue to report bugs and glitches after I release the patch this week. The game will also more than like recieve a complete overhaul on it’s system.
Thank you all for the continued support, and for the generous 4.3 rating! This is my second game ever and both my games have been well recieved.
Remember to inhale dong my friendos!