Super Platform: Reoriginal

4 days ago

Final step for the game

So, it's been a long ride since this game released on Halloween of last year, but now we're going to the last path before starting the next project.

In the next update I won't not only include something from the original game (and the final thing) but also another thing that is waaaayyy out of the original's game idea, but it's a fun thing I want to do before completing this project that took months of my life, but it was very fun, won't deny it.

I'm taking a little longer since I'm on the 11th grade of my school, doing a technical 11th grade of software/system development, as well as trying to get a internship that my country offered for people like me doing these type of tech shit, so I won't have much free time that I had back in january, so stuff will be alot slower, but eventually will come out!

Hope y'all like these two final updates, which will mixed in one trailer once both gets done.

You can also keep up with the progress on, as well as check out the game's changelogs through the same website at

See you soon ladies and gentlemens



Next up

[V1.2.0] MAGICAL & UPGRADING [FINAL UPDATE] - 11/08/2024

Super Platform: Reoriginal | V1.4.0 PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION

Super Platform: Reoriginal V1.3.0: HUNT OR HUNTED UPDATE

Hunt or Hunted: Updated Information

Super Platform: Reoriginal V1.2.0

The game is completely finished and is set to release on this friday (19th)

Quite late for this, but thank you and #GameJolt for this great year of 2024, it was fun the entire time it lasted and I'm happy on how much I've progressed in that year.

V1.1.0 - Minor Changes

Super Platform: Reoriginal is out.

you gon'