Hello everybody!
So as you can see, I've changed a bit. I've rebranded. And most important, I've *matured*. I have a better understanding of game development, and I'm happy to announce a couple things.
First off, this game's canned. But don't be entirely discouraged though! I'm planning to make a much better horror game than what I had planned for S.A.D. I might even use some ideas from it... ? Who knows.
The less-depressing news is that I'm releasing a game on Steam! "F*ck This Game" is a rage game designed around the gimmick of playing up to 8 minigames at one time. There's more information on the store page, which you can check here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1794700/Fck_This_Game/ The game is coming out in Early 2022, so if you wanna play you might want to add it to your wishlist!
Ok I think this is a good announcement overall. I haven't used this site in forever. I forgot my password and had to look in an old notebook lmao