Fnf Vs Brownie Week Orintation:
Week 1: Tasteful Brawl:
Sage Vs Boyfriend [2 songs]: Sugar Overload, Sagesweet
Sage Dies After Sagesweet
Brownie Vs Boyfriend [1 Song]: Tasteless Fates
Week 2: Suspicious Parasite
Parasite Vs Boyfriend [2 Songs]: Parasitic, Diseased
Diseased = Parasite [Parasite Form]
Week 3: Taste Your Demise
Greeny-Boi Vs Boyfriend [2 Songs]: Trustworthy, Betrayal
Half way through betrayal, The lights flicker, and through
flickers green can be seen transforming into his parasite form
and roaring/growls.
Week 4: Friendly Foe
Daisy Vs Boyfriend [2 songs]: Strawberry Pop, Shortbread Surprise
no impostors in this week!
Week 5: Sunshine Uprising
Sunrise Vs Boyfriend [2 songs]: Deceitful, Suspicious
Brownie can be seen in background
Week 6: Jestful Retribution
Jest Vs Boyfriend [2 songs]: Jokin', Jest'd
Week 7: Polus Predicament:
Maroony Vs Boyfriend [2 songs]: Havoc, Blazer
Impostor? or crewmate.. hmm idk
Week 8: Purple Peril [2 songs]: Amethyst, Mauve
Crewmate but kills all. like grey
Week 9: Hunt For Happiness
Hunter Vs Boyfriend [2 songs]: Hunted, Scarred
Crewmate that got hurt by impostor, but survived due to a
pistol lying around.
Week 10: Ghostly Grave:
Ghosts Vs Boyfriend [1 {Long SONG}]: Ghosted
Week 11: The End:
Parasite Brownie Vs Boyfriend [1 song]: HIS FINALE
Credits: Cast Sing-a-long
[1 song]: Credits
{that's all i'm bothered to do rn lol}