3 years ago

Find the rules, important dates + times, and instructions on how to add your game to Spoopy Jam!

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Spoopy Jam Rules

Create a multiplayer game in 15 days! Find teams here

Spoopy jam starts on Friday, October 29th and ends on Sunday, November 14th.

● Read the Official Rules, and Register for Spoopy Jam!

● Create a multiplayer game in 15 days!

● If your game uses any assets that you didn't make, you must have permission or a license.

● You can use existing tools, engines, languages and programming libraries to develop your game.

● You can use pre-made music and sound assets (as long as you have permission or a license).

● Your game needs to be available on Game Jolt for voting. It can be uploaded any time before the submission deadline of Sunday, November 14th at 11:59PM (GMT).

● Your game must be free.

● You must own the IP. No fan games.

● Your game should also be playable on the Windows operating system

● Collaborations and group efforts are welcome! You can find people looking to team up in the Find Teams channel.

● You may add images and a description to your Game Jolt game page anytime!

● You can't make changes to your build once the jam ends but feel free to squash those bugs and polish your build after the winners are announced on November 24th.

Be cool. No racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, religious prejudice, or other forms of hate. No personal attacks. No pornographic content. Nothing illegal.

How to add your game to Spoopy Jam

Want to enter the jam? Do this:

● If you don't already have a Game Jolt account, create one

● Create a game page from the Store or simply click here

● After the jam begins, submit your game in the Submit Game channel.

● Remember to publish your game release AND your game page.

Dates & Times

Jam Starts: Friday, October 29th, 2021 at 12AM (GMT)

Jam Ends: Sunday, November 14th at 11:59PM (GMT).

*Click the dates to convert them to your own timezone!

Winners are announced: Wednesday, November 24th

● Twitch Stream for winning games: Tuesday, November 30th

● Winners pitch to publishers: Friday, December 3rd

Questions? Check out the FAQ or email us at [email protected]

Game Jolt “Spoopy Jam” Game Jam





1. SPONSOR: Game Jolt, Inc., located at 505 E Broadway, Seattle, WA 98102 USA (“Sponsor”).


2. AGREEMENT TO RULES, TERMS OF USE AND PRIVACY NOTICE: Any personal Information collected from Entrants in connection with the Game Jolt “Spoopy Jam” Game Jam (“Contest”) will be used by Sponsor, its promotional partners, and its service providers in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy and the privacy policies of the promotional partners. By participating in the Contest, the entrant (“Entrant” or “you”) agrees to be bound by the Official Rules (“Rules”) of this Contest and Sponsor’s Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Note that any collection and use of your personal information by a third party, other than to perform services on Sponsor’s behalf, will be governed by such third party’s privacy notice.


3. ELIGIBILITY: Only people who (i) are residents of a jurisdiction where entry in the Contest is not prohibited by law, and (ii) are the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry, are eligible to enter.


Employees, officers, and directors of Sponsor, its promotional partners, their parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related companies, and all other entities associated with the creation, administration, promotion or fulfillment of the Contest, and each of their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and related companies (collectively, the “Contest Entities”), and each of their immediate family members and persons residing in the same household of such family members are not eligible to enter or win the Contest. All eligibility is subject to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

4. CONTEST PERIOD: The Contest begins on Friday, October 29, 2021 at 12:01 AM Greenwich Mean Time ("GMT") and ends on Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 11:59 PM GMT (the “Contest Period”). Sponsor’s computer will be the official clock for the Contest. All Entries must be received during the Contest Period to be eligible to win a Prize.

5. HOW TO ENTER:  An Entrant may submit multiple entries (each, an “Entry”). Entries may be created by teams of individuals (a “Team”), though each Entry may only be submitted under a single Game Jolt account.


To enter the Contest and obtain 1 Entry: (A) if you do not currently have a Game Jolt account, go to https://www.gamejolt.com, become a Member for free by clicking on the “Registration” link and providing the information requested, which may include your name, username, valid email address and acceptance of the Game Jolt Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and (B) during the Contest Period, go to https://form.jotform.com/212574871056055 and enter the required Entry Form information, including your Game Jolt account username to sign up. Your Game Jolt account and the personal information associated with it (the “Account”) will be considered the Entrant for the purposes of these Rules.


Note: A Game Jolt account is required for entry into this Contest!


Then, you will develop your Game Jam entry according to the guidelines below, and follow the instructions on the Game Jam page located at https://form.jotform.com/212574871056055 to upload your entry, including all assets, executable files, and other materials required for a user to play your entry (together, your “Submission”).


All entry components, including Submissions, will be considered part of the Entry. All Submissions must adhere to the following Submission Guidelines below and will be subject to disqualification for failure to do so, in Sponsor’s sole discretion.


Normal Internet access and usage charges imposed by your Internet service may apply. Entry in this Contest does not constitute entry into any other promotion.


Submission Guidelines:


- The Submission must be the Entrant’s original work and owned 100% by the Entrant (if the Submission is created by a Team, each Team member’s contribution must be their original work and owned 100% by the Team member for submission to the Contest). No fan games.

-  But, if you have the permission or a license to do so, the Submission can use (i) existing tools, engines, languages and programming libraries, and (ii) pre-made music and sound assets.

-  The Submission cannot have been submitted previously in a promotion of any kind or exhibited or displayed publicly through any means and must be an original work created specifically for the Contest. Remakes of previous content are not permitted.

-  The Submission must be playable on Windows PCs and be free to play.

-  The Submission may not contain any of the following:

o   personal information (e.g., email address, name, phone number);

o   disparaging or libelous remarks about any individuals, organizations, brands or companies;

o   information known by Entrant to be false, inaccurate or misleading, including false, inaccurate or misleading claims about Sponsor, or its products;

o   unauthorized reference, to or depiction of, the name or likeness of any public or private person;

o   unauthorized reference to, or depiction of, any content or brands owned by any third party or entity or that otherwise infringes any third party’s copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, right of privacy, including, without limitation, music lyrics, brand names, logos, taglines, slogans, artwork;

o   advertisement or commercial solicitations;

o   material that is inappropriate or unsuitable, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, including any material that is inappropriate, indecent, profane, obscene, hateful, tortious or offensive to individuals of a certain race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic group;

o   material that violates any law or regulation;

o   material that is, or may reasonably be considered to be, hate speech, whether directed at an individual or group;

o   material that encourages the commission of a real-world civil or criminal offense;

o   material that unlawfully impersonates another person or entity; and

o   any viruses, worms, bots, spyware, malware or any other computer code that is intended to damage, interfere with, or intercept or expropriate any system, data or information.


Entrant warrants that Entrant’s Submission complies with the Submission Guidelines. Sponsor may display all Entries on Sponsor’s website, and other Contest-related websites as well, in accordance with the Grant of Rights set forth in Section 6. All Entries submitted are the Entrant’s property, subject to the Grant of Rights set forth in Section 6.


6. GRANT OF RIGHTS: By participating in this Contest, the Entrant grants to Sponsor, Sponsor’s licensees and assigns, a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute and display Entrant’s Submission in whole or in part, and otherwise exploit the Submission in all media now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe, in any way Sponsor sees fit related to the Contest, its operation, and its advertising and promotion. If necessary, the Entrant (and any constituent Team members who contributed to the Submission) will sign any necessary documentation that may be required for Sponsor or its designees to make use of the non-exclusive rights the Entrant is granting Sponsor and others in the Section.


Entrants also agree that any creative ideas, suggestions or other materials you submit in connection with this Contest, in any form, are not being made in confidence or trust and that no confidential or fiduciary relationship is intended or created between you and us in any way, and that you have no expectation of review, compensation, or consideration of any type.


7. ENTRANT IDENTITY: In the event of a dispute over the identity of an Entrant, the authorized account holder of the Game Jolt account used in connection with the Entry will be deemed to be the Entrant. “Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to the Account by Game Jolt. Each potential winner (individually, a “Winner,” collectively the “Winners”) may be required to show proof of being the Authorized Account Holder of the Account associated with the Entry. It is solely your responsibility to update your Account and notify Sponsor in writing if you change your email address or other identifying information contained within your Account. Multiple Entrants are not permitted to share the same Account.


8. JUDGING: The Sponsor will review all Entries for compliance with these Rules. At the conclusion of the Contest Period, on or about November 14, 2021, the qualifying Submissions will be judged by a panel of judges comprised of staff from Game Jolt, Amazon Web Services and Beamable (the “Judges”) based on the following criteria (the “Judging Criteria”):


-  Creativity - 30%

-  Originality - 30%

-  Captures Theme - 40%


The maximum percentage awardable is 100%. The Entrant with the highest percentage score will be the potential First Prize Winner. The Entrant with the second highest percentage score will be the potential Second Prize Winner. The Entrant with the third highest percentage score will be the potential Third Prize Winner. In the event of a tie for any Prize, the tied Entrant with the higher score in “Captures the Theme” will be the First Prize Winner (and thereafter in “Creativity” if necessary, and thereafter in “Originality” if necessary).


Additional Prizes may be awarded based on additional judging criteria detailed in the Prize description in Section 10 below. Awards of these additional Prizes are based on the Judges’ decision on which Entry best meets the stated criteria.


The judging and final determination of the Winners will be in the sole discretion of the Judges. The Judges reserve the right to extend the Contest Period or not to award the Prizes if they determine, in their sole discretion, that Entries received did not meet the qualification standards based on the Judging Criteria.




The potential Winners will be notified on or about November 24, 2021 via email or through their Game Jolt account, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor will not be liable for any potential Prize-winning notification that is lost, intercepted or not received by any potential Winner for any reason. Potential Winners (including each individual Team member) may be required to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility/Liability-Publicity Release or other applicable documents.


If any potential Winner: (A) does not respond within 48 hours of the first notification attempt; (B) is found to be ineligible or any reason; (C) fails to execute and return by US Mail or electronic mail all Sponsor-requested documents (collectively, the “Affidavits”) within 3 days after transmission; (D) fails to return a prize notification, or declines a prize for any reason; or (E) fails to comply with these Rules or the Terms of Use, such potential Winner will forfeit their Prize and the Sponsor may select an alternate Winner from the remaining eligible Entries based on the Judging Criteria set forth in Section 8. The final results and winning Entries will be announced on the Game Jolt website no later than Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 11:59 PM GMT.


10. PRIZES: Only the Prizes listed below will be awarded in this Contest.


A. 1 First Prize: The First Prize consists of USD $6,000 (Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $6,000 USD).

B. 1 Second Prize: The Second Prize consists of USD $3,000 (ARV: $3,000 USD).

C. 1 Third Prize: The Third Prize consists of USD $1,000 (ARV: $1,000 USD).

D. 1 GameLift Prize: The GameLift Prize consists of USD $5,000, awarded to the Entrant who makes the best use of Amazon GameLift in their Entry, as determined by the Judges (ARV: $5,000 USD). See more information on GameLift here.

E. 1 Beamable Prize: The Beamable Prize consists of USD $1,000, awarded to the Entrant who makes the best use of Beamable in their Entry, as determined by the Judges (ARV: $1,000 USD). See more information on Beamable here.


Additional Prizes may be added throughout the Contest Period, at Sponsor’s sole discretion.




11. PRIZE CONDITIONS: With respect to all Prizes, Sponsor is not responsible for lost or stolen Prize certificates or redemption letters.


Winners are responsible for any and all local, state and federal taxes. For US residents, the value of the Prizes will be treated as income to the Winners and a 1099 will be issued for any Prize valued at $600 or more. Prizes are not transferable. No substitution is allowed except, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, a Prize of equal or greater value may be substituted for any reason. If a Prize component is not available for any reason, the remaining elements of the Prize will constitute full satisfaction of Sponsor’s prize obligation to Winner and no additional compensation will be awarded. The Prizes cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer. Prize elements may not be separated. Certain Prizes may be fulfilled separately to the Winner directly from our promotional partners.


12. DISQUALIFICATION/FORCE MAJEURE: Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who Sponsor determines to be: (A) tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest, acting in violation of these Rules; (B) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner; (C) disrupting or undermining the legitimate operation of the Contest; (D) annoying, abusing, threatening, or harassing any other person, or (E) offering prizes or other inducements to Judges, vote farming, or any other activity that artificially inflates an Entrant’s score, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.


Sponsor may seek damages and other remedies from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor may modify, extend, suspend, or terminate the Contest if it determines, in its sole discretion, that the Contest is technically impaired or corrupted or that fraud or technical problems, failures or malfunctions, or other causes beyond Sponsor’s control have destroyed or severely undermined or to any degree impaired the integrity, administration, security, proper play, or feasibility of the Contest as contemplated in these Rules.


If an insufficient number of eligible entries are received or Sponsor is prevented from awarding prizes or continuing the Contest as contemplated in these Rules by any event beyond its control (“Force Majeure Event”), including fire, flood, natural or artificial epidemic of health of other means, earthquake, explosion, labor dispute or strike, act of God or public enemy, satellite or equipment failure, riot or civil disturbance, terrorist threat or activity, war (declared or undeclared) or any federal state or local government law, order, or regulation, public health crisis, order of any court or jurisdiction, then Sponsor will have the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Contest. If the Contest is terminated before the designated end date, Sponsor will (if possible) select the Winners from all eligible, non-suspect Entries received as of the date of the Force Majeure Event giving rise to the termination. Inclusion in such selection process will be each Entrant’s sole and exclusive remedy under such circumstances. Only the type and quantity of Prizes described in these Rules will be awarded.


13. PUBLICITY RELEASE: Acceptance of any Prize constitutes each Winner’s permission for the Contest Entities to use that Prize Winner’s name, photograph, likeness, name, biographical information, statements and Prize information, including those of each Team member (collectively, the “Attributes”), for advertising and publicity purposes worldwide and in all forms of media now known or hereafter devised, in perpetuity, without further compensation or authorization, (except where prohibited by law), and releases the Contest Entities from all claims arising out of the use of such Attributes.


14. DISCLAIMERS: The Contest Entities will not be responsible for: (A) any late, lost, misrouted, garbled, or distorted or damaged transmissions or entries; (B) telephone, electronic, hardware, software, network, Internet, or other computer- or communications-related malfunctions or failures; (C) any Contest disruptions, injuries, losses or damages caused by events beyond Sponsor’s control or by non-authorized human intervention; or (D) any printing, display, or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Contest. ALL PRIZES ARE AWARDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY).


15. GENERAL RELEASE: By entering the Contest, each Entrant, for Entrant and for Entrant’s heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns: (A) releases and holds harmless the Contest Entities from any liability whatsoever, and waives any and all causes of action, for any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising, directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with the Contest or delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, or use of or inability to use any Prize (including, without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and damages related to personal injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation or portrayal in a false light, whether intentional or unintentional), whether under a theory of contract, tort (including negligence), warranty or other theory; (B) agrees that the Contest Entities have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, with respect to any Prize, including, without limitation, to such Prize’s quality or fitness for a particular purpose or results; and (C) agrees to be bound by these Rules and to waive any right to claim any ambiguity or error in these Rules or in the Contest itself, and to be bound by all decisions of the Sponsor, which are binding and final.


16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Each Entrant agrees that if any dispute arises that is in any way related to the Contest, the Rules, the Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy the parties will meet in person or through virtual means, and attempt to resolve the dispute. If the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, the parties agree to attempt to settle the dispute by non-binding mediation administered by a neutral mediator agreed to by the parties prior to resorting to litigation. The parties will cooperate to select a mediator, but if unable to do so will use JAMS for the mediation process and selection from JAMS’ panel of neutrals. The parties will participate in the mediation in good faith, and will share its mutual costs equally, and the parties’ respective out-of-pocket costs individually. The mediation will take place in Seattle, Washington, or through virtual means.




(A)       All disputes, actual or alleged claims and causes of action at law or in equity (“Claim(s)”) will be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action.

(B)       Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Rules, in connection with any Claims, judgments and awards, Entrant waives all rights to attorneys’ fees, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages, and to any multiplied damages.

(C)       In no event will Entrant be entitled to recover any expenses other than reasonable and actual out-of-pocket expenses.

(D)       Sponsor’s entire liability and your sole and exclusive remedy will be limited to a distribution of the equivalent amount of Prizes set forth in these Rules.




(A) If any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Rules will otherwise remain in effect and will be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained in the Rules.


(B) All Claims arising out of or relating to this Contest, including, without limitation, the interpretation of the Rules or any Prize awarded will be resolved by applying the laws of Seattle, USA, without regard to conflict of laws, and will be solely and exclusively brought in the state or federal courts within the state of Washington.


19. WINNER LIST/RULES REQUEST. To obtain a copy of the Winner List, send an email with subject line: “Game Jolt Spoopy Jam Winner List Request” to [email protected] after Wednesday, November 24th, 2021 and before Wednesday, December 29th, 2021.


To obtain a copy of these Rules before Monday, November 19th, 2021,send an email with subject line: “Game Jolt Spoopy Jam Official Rules Request” to [email protected].



Next up

Share your progress by posting screenshots, videos and art concepts in this channel.

👻 We've got a Spoopy calendar filled with events for Spoopy Jam!

👇 Read the article to see who all is involved! 👇

Don't wait until the last minute to create your game page for Spoopy Jam! Head over to the Store then select "Add Game" or simply go here: https://gamejolt.com/dashboard/games/add

Then go ahead and submit it in the Spoopy Jam community!

Spooky season is extended! 🎃 Join DeejayKnight on the front page of Twitch for the Spoopy Jam winners’ games!  ⏰ 9 AM PT: grab some snacks and keep the lights on.👀 It’s about to get spoopy!👻

Using Unity? There is a Amazon GameLift plug-in for that! Tune into Juho for a speedy introduction in time for Spoopy Jam!

(Don't forget, there is an additional $5,000 prize pool for best game using GameLift so add #gamelift to your game page!)

🏆👻Meet the winners of the Spoopy Jam presented by Game Jolt, AWS and Beamable! Every day is Halloween!🎃

In addition to the Top 3 prizes, we’ll be awarding bonus prizes for best use of Amazon GameLift and Beamable! To be considered for the additional prizes, simply add the hashtag #gamelift or #beamable to your game pages!

🎮 Learn more about how you can utilize Amazon GameLift for creating multiplayer games for Spoopy Jam!

💰 Don't forget to add #gamelift to your game's description to be considered for the $5,000 Amazon GameLift prize (in addition to the main prizes)!

Devs Play

Looking for teammates? Post here!

Collaborations and group efforts are welcome! You can also find others looking to team up here. If you're an artist or create sound/music, be sure to include examples of your work in your post!