Five Nights at Coso 2 - (FNaF Maker version, go play the Clickteam Remake)

5 years ago

Finished the newest animatronics without any troubles! Why am I saying that? Because fnaf maker is very buggy but the gameplay is really nice and smooth for now. Lucky me! :D

(My mistake, Advanced Coso's eyelids aren't red lol)




Next up

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

Left here

to rot in our cells...

When Coso is about to get you...

I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

This song right here made me like Security Breach, I can't even explain how it's just so good.

A big return....

Me and my girl are celebrating our 2nd valentine's day together!!!

Best birthday gift ever.

I forced him to eat stones

I have an idea for an amazing teaser but the game has priority over it. So you'll receive it later on gamers.

For now, here, take this Springsuit's placeholder image