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Thw First out of five cutscenes in total is almost done!
You know what I have realized? This game has by far surpassed every other game I have made! Way to go!
Выпускается версия бета-тестирования 2.0 "CanvasBeta" для андроид
I have updated to model for Shadow to look more like the original game
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I'm happy to announce that the full release will be launched at 1st September, 8 pm Moscow Time (UTC+3). A month-long journey will end at that particular second. The game also would include gamepad support.
Chris Pratt the video game. #mario
I'm one step closer to remaking Tokyo stage. After I'm finished with Tokyo before the second cutscene and the Radical Highway transition in Ark I'm gonna release a demo
I'm happy to announce an early access beta, which includes First stage and that's it, which will come out tomorrow at 21:00 (UTC+3, Europe/Moscow)