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One of the sights underwater. Working on a breathing system, if you run out of air, you obviously die.
Hi Everyone. Working hard on Chapter 3. Will be finished by next week.
Slug has some interesting information to share, but it will cost you in either credits or a favour.
My game: GYNOID
Slug has some interesting information for you, but it isn't free. He would want credits or a favour from you in return.
The Death Chantey: Busy creating Chapter 3.
Busy with the inventory system and completed the load game for Chapter 1.
One of the sights underwater. Working on a breathing system, obviously if you run out of air, you die and a mini map.
Hi Everyone, Chapter 2 Part2 is 99% finish.
Busy with my entry for Adventure Jam 2021. Two more scenes and my game is finished.
My game: GYNOID