WOW! Look at that art! Sinister. This was done by the fantastic Ophibell, who is taking commissions, in which she does amazing art for amazing prices. Ooooooooooooo. Love it! She also has a patreon full of exclusive cool art!
Commission Link here:
Patreon link here:
By the way, if any of you ever makes fanart or fananything of this game, let me know and I’ll post it on this page, guaranteed! You can leave a comment on this page or you can message me on twitter: .
Now for the schedule reminder: I am currently away from my home and unable to draw, but I will be able to begin the drawing on Monday, and by Tuesday you should begin to see some early sketches of new content! I won’t post anything that’s a spoiler of course. Awesome! And awesome art above! You can get your own awesome art for awesome prices! Stay tuned!