RUS: Просмотр Сьюзи в форме "Каталсит"
ENG: Viewing Susie in the form of a "Catalyst"
RUS: Просмотр Сьюзи в форме "Каталсит"
ENG: Viewing Susie in the form of a "Catalyst"
The Catalyst Asriel Enchanted Version
The Catalyst Toriel Enchanted Version
Важная новость по поводу игры!
Important news about the game!
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Small hitches with the second episode!
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Art and fan art competition for Episode 3!
Read Article(ENG and RUS)
The Catalyst Mettaton Enchanted Version
The second episode is completely over! Read Article!
Looking for voice actors for English localization. Artem, Rita, Alice and other characters!
Read Article!
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