4 years ago

First time me making a car (This is the VolksWagen Golf MK2)

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Made a barbwire fence post!

Made a TAC-14 870 Remington Pump Action

Ok so I did a full redeisgn of all of my AK's ITS DONE! (Read comment for the list of fixes

Stage is almost complete, lighting was a pain to deal with and its still not perfect. But i like it so far, i think im striking the right point between quality and OG looks. Just need some more little work to do tho tomorrow i will begin with restrooms.

Heres some gun I'm proud of making (1# Colt 1902 2# MAC-10 3# Trejo Modelo 1)

Puppet style self portrait, thinking of offering commissions for these do you think people would be interested in that?

Gave my Colt 1902 a nice finish. Edit: Defiently didn't forget to upload the image to the post.

Finished the TAC-14 870 Remington

Endoskeleton (3D view in article)

AK74U (First time making AK's totally didn't worked on this for 8-9 Hours straight on this...