On March 31st, 2018 Multi-Core Collider did it’s first live event in Calgary, AB to showcase the game.
During the event players had the chance to try out a pre-alpha version of the game’s Brawl Mode. To make things official a tally was setup to get feedback on whether or not development should be continues on the game.

Over the course of the day over 50 people got a change to play the game. Multi-Core Collider especially hit it off with the younger players. Best of all, many players at the event stopped by for a second go at the game.
Regarding the survey, 29 people said they’d like to see continued development on the game while there were 0 people against the continued development. So the journey continues to making Multi-Core Collider a reality!
A big thanks to all the people who stopped by to play at the event!