Five Nights at Fep’s (CANCELED FOR 1963)
1 year ago

Five Nights at Fep's Official Soundtrack- Midnight, The Stars and You



Next up

Meet the Mech-Rockers

the (new) pancake droppers singing from the anniversary vid because i like the animation

waah i go back to school tomorrow

D4D Imagination Presents- Polygon Pick-up!

Five Nights at Fep's Official Soundtrack- Chas Tsokaye

Holy crap….

Happy Birthday Five Nights at Fep's!

Five Nights at Fep's Official Soundtrack- Around n' Around!

Question to one and all? Are you an artist? Yes? No? Doesn't matter! You see my friend @D4dgaming_ needs drawings for the game he's working on called cremated!

[Please look in the article for more information!]

Sorry there's no big fep updates lately. here's a withered fep model i made for practice.

tell me if i should remodel the fep's characters and try another shot at their designs!