Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night
6 months ago

Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night v2.0.2 is available now! (+changelog inside)

Hi everyone! Been a while but I got the next update for the game ready and it should be potentially the last for a little bit (unless some more stuff comes up).

Here comes the somewhat short changes!

  • Added new toggle keybinds for the flashlight in the options! These options are Z and R-Click.

    • This means with the inclusion of the right click toggle you can now play this game with just the mouse!

  • Nerfed power usage very slightly for the base nights.

    • Hyper Mode is unaffected by this change, so it should have the same amount of power.

  • Improved the look of the FNAF 1 styled menu.

  • The JS Volume Decrease option now decreases the volumes some more.

  • Increased the volumes of Bonnie and Chica's footsteps at the door just a bit.

  • Fixed a bug where the control shock effect would not clear properly and bug out, causing the screen to flash indefinitely (very annoying).

  • Fixed an issue where you could control shock when it was not visible.

  • Fixed potential issues with GameJolt achievements not activating (not guaranteed to work since GameJolt API is a bit funky, but this should help reduce the odds).

And there we have it! Nothing too crazy but this essentially polishes up the game and pretty much wraps up everything I wanted to add for this game. Maybe there could be a future update but for right now I'm very happy with the state of the game.

Time for me to take that break that I mentioned in the SL SCN update. It won't be too long I promise, I just wanna be in the right headspace for whats to come.

Before I go, I just want to say thank you everyone for giving this old game a second chance, and I hope everyone is excited like I am for what's to come for FNAF 2 SCN and beyond!

Okay uhmm byeeee



Next up

Progress Update 1: 10%

Introducing: Five Night's at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night (and what to expect)!

here we go.


A difficult decision.

Rat Race Production Update

Progress Update 2: 20%

Introducing: Sister Location Super Custom Night!

Update v1.1 is now available! Introducing Extra Nights!

(Changelog inside!)