Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night
5 months ago

Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night v2.0.3 is available now! (+changelog inside)

Hi. I'm back. :D

Working on getting updates out for both SCN games right now and this one is fairly small. It does come with some good changes I feel though!

So here are those cool changes:

  • Instead of being a toggle, the jumpscare volume can now be adjusted separate from the game volume. This means it can be adjusted from 0-100...and yes you can mute them now.

  • Fixed a bug where Hyper Freddy could enter the room as the door is being opened during the power flickering sequence. He also can no longer attack when the power goes out, meaning the only Freddy that can kill you now during power out is the Freddy that should kill you.

  • Adjusted the camera button to give the mouse and keybind seperate buffers. This means you can buffer the camera flip with the mouse and keyboard combo like SL SCN does now.

  • Ballora has been adjusted quite a bit at the door. She now has an adjusted and more consistent time for when she leaves the door and her music has been adjusted for it.

    • To summarize, she now always leaves the door at a consistent time, but ONLY when she is at her loudest. It's now about listening for her music to get really really close and closing it then. She leaves after 2s (1s in Hyper).

For the last note, I would like to see if its a well balanced and popular change. If it is I will be making the same exact change for her in SL SCN. Just a small tease for what that update will be like and whatnot.

Anyways, onto the next! See you all in a bit!



Next up

A difficult decision.

Introducing: Five Night's at Freddy's 1 Super Custom Night (and what to expect)!

here we go.


Progress Update 2: 20%

Rat Race Production Update

Update v1.1 is now available! Introducing Extra Nights!

(Changelog inside!)

What could this be?

See you all in 30 Minutes. :)