Hi everyone, been a while. This is the first update that any of the SCN games have gotten in five months, so I apologize for the long wait on these updates. v1.2 of SL SCN is kicking me around motivation wise due to a new major feature I'm trying to program in that's requiring me to reprogram pretty much the entire game, so its looking to take an extra couple of months honestly.
Things are complicated for me right now so my time to program stuff is brief. With that said, I'm pushing to get this all out so that FNAF 2 SCN can finally start happening. In the meantime, hopefully this fixes some very necessary stuff in this game. This is not planned to be the end of updates, in fact there is a very real possibility of a v2.1.0 happening in the future. For now, enjoy the cool stuff this update adds!
Added an option to make the night automatically reset after a death.
Added another option that toggles the state of the fan in Hyper at the start of the night.
Hopefully a fix for the Freddle bug? If it's still happening I’ll continue to do more adjustments. It’s a somewhat rare bug I have yet to replicate more than twice so it's hard to pinpoint how it happens.
Adjusted the volume for the window scares for Bonnie and Chica to be more quiet.
Also adjusted Bonnie and Chica’s footstep volumes when they reach the door to be a touch more noticeable.
Fixed issues where the small window of time opening a door early should still send characters away would instead immediately let them in.
Fixed a bug where Phantom BB had a chance to bug the temperature past 100 degrees rarely in Hyper.
Fixed a layering issue where the Halloween lights would be layered below the doors.
Reduced the snap back on the scrolling in Hyper when closing the cameras.
The game has been thoroughly Deltatimed, meaning the entire game no longer relies on the FPS to do any events. This may cause some bugs with the characters or events in the game, will be patched as time goes on (hopefully found everything though).
Renamed the max modes from “SHOWDOWN” and “HYPER SHOWDOWN” to just “Showdown” and “Hyper Showdown” for formatting consistency.
To no ones surprise this is definitely the most extensive update that v2.0 has gotten so far, and there is more that I am looking to add over time. For now, enjoy this quality of life and I will return eventually with SL SCN v1.2! It'll be worth the wait despite the circumstances. :D