Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s

1 year ago

Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's is officially done (kinda), open article for more.

You saw the picture, and you’re probably confused, and yes, Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s is done, but only as a game series, and this means the series will continue as an analog horror series to finish the lore for good.

I just don’t feel the need to continue this game series anymore, because all this series was just a stupid idea that a friend of mine and I made, and I just made 1 and 2 for fun. But I felt overworked and overwhelmed by this series, and I barely even know how to code at all. I was just draining my entire life into this series, and I don’t even think I will live that long to expand the series further, and the fact I was ambitious is the blame for this.

That’s why I was delaying this entire series because I don’t know what to do with this series anymore, the game series, because I actually made analog horror tapes of the games before. I also want to make actual original games, and this series was only to be contributed to the FNaF fangame community. I wasn’t even looking for popularity or wanting the series to be as good as possible.

Don't get me wrong, I’m happy that this series got attention, and I’m keeping the games up just for that. As for Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s 3 (yes, the one was planned due to being ambitious; it was planned to be familiar to Five Nights at Wario’s 3), it is now canceled; I won’t bring updates and make it.

Though, as for the Roblox roleplay game, it is still being worked on, luckily. But the mainline games are no longer being worked on and made, and I’m also not going to make other FNAF-related games since I gave up on being interested in the series.

For those who want to continue playing the games, go for it; I don’t care; record it or whatever; go for it, but please give my other content some attention too, like my stories on the Spiral Nightmares wiki (which is linked in my Gamejolt pinned post) and my other channel called JTS (where my reboot of my animated 2018 series called Joseph’s World is on).

Sorry for how random this post was, but it’s true: FNaPF will no longer continue; it will be an analog horror series, and yes, I will still post here, but the posts will be random. As always, bye.

Check out:

Spiral Nightmares 


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