Nightmare Golden Sonic "Memorize" quotes against
Silent "The Player/Avatar" (Some are a Spoiler Alerts):
~ "I guarantee you, Silent. I am very, very Real!"
~ "First played as Luigi... Now you, playing as yourself!"
~ "This time, there's more than an delusion to fear."
~ "Join US! Silent the Player/Avatar!"
~ "I am written in your mind, "Memory"! You can't forget about me!
And now... I am yours Nightmare that feasts on your FEAR!"
~ "I am not me... there's no longer another one inside of me!
It's ME! Mwa~ha~ha~HA!"
~ "You have "SAVED" Me! I saw that with my own eyes..."
Fun Facts:
Nightmare Golden Sonic "Memorize" has 6 fingers on his hand and 5 toes on his foot.
While '27 Golden Sonic "Memorize" has 5 fingers on his hand and 4 toes on his foot.
This also allows to easier distinguish one from the other, because they look very similar.
Nightmare Golden Sonic "Memorize" changes his irises from light silver to red
only to scare Silent "The Player/Avatar" mainly once Silent's 1st Challenge Mode is activated, aka. "The State of Apprehension".
He doesn't want to hurt Silent, since there is also another plan against her.
But smell and feast on Silent's FEAR, it makes easier to track her.