Dr. Golden's "Preparation" New Evil Invention...
A Walker that have some dangerous loads such as:
Lasers. Missiles. Explosives aka. Mines...
It also has a such fast stomping claws and is capable of jumping...
and there's many other hidden "surprises" in it.
"This War-Robot in the shape of the Doctor's head with metal legs is located
in a huge Room which is a desert in "Sonic's Hero Tera Pizzaomnia".
Only well-trained Soldiers can survive the conditions in this Room.
Also, there are hidden in the Sands an intelligent machines known as:
"The Wilderness Searchers".
These cunning robots are helping for the Doctor to track down his prey.
Very scheming!
So spicy, sandy atmosphere is here, that even the clouds are the sand itself...
Heat extreme!"
(Okay, soon I'm gonna get into the drawing of that next part of the comic)
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