As we know, Forever Gold has not actually started development. We have only done the voicelines, pictures showing how the robots will move on the camera system, and a list of other things, but as of right now, coding has not actually started yet, so therefore, development on the game has not actually started.
We're waiting on our current & only artist @toybonnie10114 to draw the camera's view, animatronics in a specific camera, the office, and a list of other things that will be in the game so @PauloTheCatto can start coding the game. We don't know how long this will take, but we are trying our very best to get development on the road.
My prediction for development starting is that it'll start in
March or April of 2021. It depends if @toybonnie10114 will respond.
My predictions for development and release dates are right now dangling by a single thread. But I promise you, we'll get this game done if its the last thing we do.
I'll see you guys next month for the next progress report.
And always remember.
When you see an X, GOLD is always first to mark that spot.
Goodbye for now, friends.