Five Nights at the Krusty Krab
10 years ago

Five Nights at the Chum Bucket official announcement!

After the Krusty Krab was burned to the ground by the rouge animatronic workers, the sole living survivor of the inferno was taken captive by the robot’s malevolent controller. Awakening, trapped in a building of concrete and steel, you must once again survive 5 nights against the automoton onslaught, though this time participation is not an option…

Hey everyone, after the past few days of teasing I have launched the official page of the sequel to FNATKK, Five Nights at the Chum Bucket!

You can find the page here!

](../../../../../../games/other/five-nights-at-the-chum-bucket/61137/)Be sure to follow that game as all news regarding the sequel will most likely be posted there :) Also it might be a good idea to follow me on twitter if you want quick development updates, I’ll be posting little snippets of what I’m working on for those who are interested. You can find me on twitter at “@kfblaziken”.

Finally I just want to thank everyone for being unbeleivably supportive of both this game and the concept of a sequel, which is fast becoming a reality. For anyone who doesn’t know (which is everyone) I was in a really rough patch in my life when I first started working on this game. I had lost someone very close to me and I was in a pretty bad depression. Working on the game gave me an outlet for what I was feeling, though it was more of an unhealthy distraction. I poured every waking second into the game, not really thinking anyone would even like the final product though at the same time not really caring, the game took my mind off things. It wasn’t exactly the best method of dealing with things at the time, but it all paid off once the game came out after two and a half long weeks of no sleep and blueprint errors. The sheer amount of people who backed the game, all of you, the fans of FNATKK, helped me get my mind out of that deep pit and get my life back on track. For the first time in a long time everything went so right for me (except that Sandy still wouldn’t move from that fcking door!) and it’s all thanks to the crazy amazing support of this incredible community. Specifially I want to thank RiskRim, Only1Gam3r, Entoan, Yamimash, PewDiePie, TheSwollenGamer, IULITM, Poiised and any other youtuber who played the game, since without you all I doubt the game would’ve passed a hundred views let alone TWO HUNDRED FRICKEN THOUSAND!!! faints*Also I just want to thank my best friend Jack for being super supportive through the whole development process, and especially so for helping me come up with the Sandy mechanic (The generator thing not the bugged-at-doors thing) I owe so much to each and every one of you and I hope you all enjoy Five Nights at the Chum Bucket when it is finally released in a week or two (trust me it’ll be worth the wait :P). Well anyway that’s enough from me, peace out guys and stay incredible! I love all of you <3

Edit: I almost kicked myself for not remembering to include this in the original post but I also want to thank Scott Cawthon for creating this incredible series and inspiring me not just with FNATKK but with my game development in general. While I am on the side that beleives that the FNAF series doesn’t need a fourth entry and that the series is perfect as it is now, I wish you all the best in you’re future endeavors, and if you’re reading this and you make any more game you can be darn sure I’m gonna play them, Scott! Thank you so much you’re truely an inspiration to so many people!




Next up

Five Nights at the Krusty Krab is 10 years old.

TheNextGenius just uploaded his first episode of Chapter 3! I sent him a pre-release build for helping out with some stuff + just being a cool guy. If you want to check the game out some more check out his video!

Hey all, the second patch (v1.2.5) for Five Nights at the Krusty Krab: Chapter 3 was just posted. It includes a few minor changes and bugfixes to Plankton, but the highlight is that he now has some fantastic new voice lines courtesy of not_ryan.jpeg!

Hey all, the first patch (v1.2.4) for Five Nights at the Krusty Krab: Chapter 3 has just come out!! Below are a list of changes. The main change is the addition of a Low Quality graphics mode. The attached screenshots show the difference between the two.

Going to start on the Dev Commentary for Chapter 3 tomorrow and wanted to include a Q&A session at the end. Looking for questions about Chapter 3 specifically, so no questions about other past or potential future projects please :) Ask away!

Five Nights at the Krusty Krab: Chapter 3 will be released at the stroke of Midnight UTC time, May 9th 2022. Countdown:… I'm excited to see what everyone thinks!

Hey, Look what I dropped... Are these leaks? (Sorry Gamejolt squished them on me :<)

I made a thread on Twitter summarizing the current status of the CH1 TL;DR the game is taking a while because it's bigger than Chapter 3, I've moved to Unity's HDRP and I haven't had much time to work on it :P

It's out!

Thanks to everyone who's been patient waiting for this game to come out. It means the world to me that people are so excited for something I've made. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys playing this game as much as I've deeply loved making it.

Hey guys, since a couple of people have asked, I've created a community page for the FNatKK series :) Please feel free to use it if you'd like!