Hi everyone! Nocturna/Nocturnum/Mc Sandwich/Internet Boy/Will Smith/Andrew here, once again.
With the recent growth in our audience, I thought this would be a good time to inform you guys on the background of this game (it has quite a large history) and the overall intentions of the project...
This game has had...a "unique" history. Some of you most likely aren't even fully aware of it. This game has been in development, canceled, put on hiatus, etc. all over 5 years. Yes I know, that sounds concerning, but this game has been passed over to many developers over those 5 years as well. My team (Radiance) are the ones who are working on the game now, and I think it's very safe to say that this game, will indeed, be completed for good.
My goal is to finish this game once and for all, and I will not stop until that goal is done. The team has made great progress, this version is currently standing as the most complete version of the game, and we can't wait to finish it and release it out to all of you! We just need you all to continue to be patient, as these things take time. We want to make sure this game is perfect, and worth the wait!
This game started development around late 2014, shortly after the time Five Nights at Freddy's 2 was released. Our now supervisor, Anart1996, had read the creepypasta "Abandoned by Disney." He decided that it would be cool to create an FNaF style game using the Abandoned by Disney story! After a while, he had finally released a demo, which we have re-uploaded for you all to play on this game page. Surprisingly, the game had BLOWN up! Markiplier, RiskRim, John Wolfe, and so many others had done videos on the demo, which garnered quite a big fanbase for the game.
However, after several attempts to improve the game, Anart had decided to cease working on the game, and he passed development over to other developers, which led the game to go down a rabbit hole. More delays & cancelations had happened and led the game to a dead end, where it was left Abandoned.
Several other developers had attempted to bring the game officially back to its knees, however, those versions ended up suffering the same fate as the previous versions. Leaving only fans and their fan-made versions to suffice for the absence.
That's when we came in! I had contacted Anart1996, as well as a few other previous devs, to get the approval to make an official version of the game, which is what this is. And it's coming out great so far! I think we will be the people who'll finish this game once and for all, and give you what you guys have been waiting for.
The team works on the game on a near-daily basis, whether it be modeling, programming, graphic design, writing, sound design, etc. I am non stop surprised at what my team has been able to accomplish, and I am sure you will be all very pleased.
Stay tuned for updates, and I hope you liked this read. See you all next time!