Before you ask, no rooms are not that dark.
Welcome to the first devlog of FNaW: Relived Damnation! I don't have too much to show from what I already have shown, but I figured getting a devlog out now would be best since I'll be on Holiday over the course of a week and a half. Lets get into what I've done so far eh?
Office Gameplay:
This has stayed the same across the main game and Relived Damnation. 2 doors, 2 light, and yet, it still works pretty well.
Its simple gameplay and I will be adding to the gameplay to make it more unique. for now though, its simple gameplay. But you obviously can't have a game without some characters.
At this point, our two favorite plumbers, Yellow Luigi and Purple Luigi have been programmed into the game. Purple Luigi only needs his jumpscare to be programmed in and then I can work on Green Mario's AI.
Funny Joke that goes on for too long.
To elongate this section, heres some of the poses for the characters:

The Achievements have been planned out and their main icons do exist, I just am yet to program in the actual obtaining of the mechanics.
Small Devlog for a small guy. I know, so uh... I guess I'll just talk about something random...
I made a FNaF Ruin theory if ya wanna check that out... Uhh...
Oh! FNaW Game Jam! Because it'll take the FNaW Team like... 1 - 3 weeks to rank all of the best games from the jam, I thought I'd do my own version of that, because I will luckily have wifi at the holiday spot.
Hopefully it'll be good enough for me to download the games.
Anyway, Imma go work on getting Purple Luigi's AI done, so for now.