So some idiots harrassed Dong for creating FlappyBirds which mimics some of the art of Mario and the theme of a helicopter game and Piou Piou game.
SO WHAT! Ideas and themes for games are NOT copyrighted and only the actual art work and exact coding is copyrighted. ALL platform and scrolling games use similar physics and NO ONE owns the idea of moving sprites around on a screen.
Dong used the Mario theme with his own art because he knows that art will atract people and he wanted to make some money. His game is crap IMO but he is a brilliant marketer and that is how marketing is done.
He probably ruined his reputation but maybe not as now people will look for his next game to see if it is a rip-off and that way he sells more games.
Now here is my game which I designed a few days before I heard about FlappyJam but has now been submitted to the Jam:
I have never played FlappyBird and only viewed a review video to see what physics he used and then I designed my game in HTML5 Construct2 and created all my own art work and included my own theme of a mama bird feeding her chicks to add some challenges. The coding and artwork are original and are all mine even if it does mimic many other games.
When you start attacking game designers for mimicking other games you woud have to attack every game designer as ALL games use similar physics and coding and even art and it is just how it is organized that makes games unique.
So stop the hating on Dong for his crap game and learn from him that simple graphic art and easy controls with increasing difficulty is what many gamers are looking for and make it work for your games!