3 days ago

FlipMation Heggurman II's Strongest Form. Deformity FlipMation. Info in article.

Deformity FlipMation is only Black and White by color, and has multiple abilities, such as:

Highly good hearing, he can hear his surroundings very good.

Corpse/Target Digestion Working from All Mouths, hell he could digest from his hands and eyes. His vomit is black and is a substance that is mostly the void, if you touch the substance, you will get corrupt and will completely glitch out.

Highly good sight, he can see everything and everyone because he has eyes on every single part of his body.

And many others I couldn't think of.



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Chef PeePee? Chef PeePee Please Answer Me-

I found this in Smiler's deleted server. To be honest I'm very interested in this type of horror drawings, so I might make an artwork that's styled like this.

"L E T ' S P L A Y , S H A L L W E ?"

Spying time

Damn, Sonic must really not like you if you messed up THAT bad this year! If not, you're safe n' sound


Blunko the Talking Dog but Blunko explodes [DO NOT RE-UPLOAD WITHOUT PERMISSION]

"Blunko, you're changing!"