I’ve added 3D clouds to fly through, which looks much nicer than the flat cloud layers of previous versions. At least, I sure think so.
You can now set the gravity scale through the Solar System Options Menu (press “Tab”). This is a fun feature to play around with. You can spawn a massive number of asteroids in zero-g, and then crank it to the max, causing them to fly around chatoically, possibly bombarding the planet you just surrounded.
I also added a nifty GodPower Selection menu that you can access with “G”. It allows you to click on what GodPower you’d like from a list of all of them, which is a lot faster and easier than scrolling through all the GodPowers in a catagory. This is especially usefull when you need to switch to the right GodPower right away. For instance, if you accidently push an object away, you’ll want to switch to the stop GodPower before it’s gone for good (the exact moment I decided a quick select menu was necessary).
I also improved the water shader a bit, fixed some bugs, and improved the look of some of the GodPower options menus. More on the way!