Before the night:
Tristan: Daddy, can I go to Fancy Man's And MrGold69's diner? My friends are going today and I want to go with them.

Dave: No, Tristan. You cannot go to Fancy Man's diner today. You can go on your birthday, though.

Tristan: But daaaaad-

Dave: No. Play with your toys instead.

*Tristan looks at his toys and notices his Fancy Man one staring at him*

Tristan: Dad please. My toys are creepy.

Dave: You'll get over it.

Begin night one:

"You are not completely safe in your home. Inside your home are mechanical nightmares, nightmares of the ones that scared you the most. Once you know you're completely safe, go to sleep. However, enemies can still attack you while sleeping so make every sleep count. There are 2 animatronics coming to attack you tonight named 642 and BBBGaming. Be safe"

After Night 1:

???: Well looks like you made a serious accident, young man. Can you wake up?

Tristan: What? I just tripped, it's not a serious accident.

Old Man: I wouldn't take every minor injury as just another papercut or simple fall or something. Sometimes, the most minor injuries could actually be the most serious one. Have this band-aid.

Tristan: Ok, thank you.

Old Man: Every problem is a problem. Don't take the least minor one lightly.

Tristan: Ok? I'm gonna go now.


*Almost at the door of Fancy Man's And MrGold's Diner*

Dave: TRISTAN! What did I say about you going to the diner?
Tristan: Please, Dad. My friends are coming here in a few minutes. Please let me in.

Dave: NO! Go home, mister.

"Why can't I go to the Diner? It looks so fun and my friends are telling such cool stories about it. Shouldn't the owners son go?"
Fun With PlushGold: Shine the light on the plushie and try to get him on the x before the time runs out to get 2 hours off the next night.

Next day:

Tristan: Dad, why can't I go to the diner?

Dave: Because, I can't watch you there unlike here.

Tristan: But dad, don't you own the place? You could just take me to where you work and watch me there.

Dave: If you see my work, it might just ruin the magic of Fancy Man's Diner. I love you son and I'm just trying to do what is best for you.

Begin night two:

"As the nights progress, the animatronics get more aggressive. Do not try to stress out and stay calm. Try not to let the insanity get to you or else you can't tell what's real or not. There is one more threat tonight. His name is Greendafox. Stay calm even when the nightmare gets scarier"

After night 2:

???: Are you awake, boy? Can you hear me? Are you ok?

Tristan: Yeah, I'm fine.

Lady: Are you sure? You were knocked out on that bench.

Tristan: Yes, I'm fine. I just had a nap.


*Halfway through*
Tristan: She's inside Fancy Man's? How can I get her back without dad noticing I'm inside?

*Almost at the door*
Dave: TRISTAN!!!! What are you doing here? I said not to go in there.

Tristan: But daddy, Playbot is insi-

Dave: I don't care about where Playbot is, you cannot go in there.

Tristan: Fine.

Fun With PlushGold: Beat this minigame and you get 2 hours off the night.

The next day:

Tristan: *Playing with Playbot* She isn't as fun anymore.

Dave: It's safer than Fancy Man's.

Tristan: I'm almost 13, I think I can do things without being watched-

Dave: No, Tristan.

"Wake up, please"

Begin night 3:

"Your father is only watching out for you, but that's not what you desire. There are 2 new threats coming for you tonight. Alexfancypants and Playbot. I know you can go to your safe place. Find the perfect time."

After night 3:
???: Please be ok. Please wake up. Wake up.

Tristan: I'm fine. I'm ok.

Man: Please be careful. You were bleeding out. Take this.

Tristan: What is that?

Man: Healing medicine. It will help ease the pain and close the wound.

Tristan: Uh, ok. Goodbye.


*Almost at home*
Tristan: Hey wait a minute, Dave is out at that juice place. Maybe I can go to Fancy Man's while he is gone.


Car comes into the driveway

Dave: TRISTAN! I'm sorry. I almost hit you with my car. Are you ok?

Tristan: Yeah dad. Sorry for standing in the driveway.

Dave: Don't be sorry. Now let's go inside.

Fun With PlushGold: Skip 2 hours of your night by beating this minigame. You don't always have to play this minigame. You can reload the game and skip to the next night instead if you're up for a challenge. Risk and Reward, they say.

Begin night 4:

"Are you truly ok? Are those people you encounter right? Are you hurt? You should listen carefully to what your elders are saying. If something is wrong, tell them. There are 2 new threats coming tonight. Mr. Human and Gega. If what your elders say contradict each other, don't follow the advice they give. Listen to the right advice and you will reach the place of your dreams. I know you can, Tristan. I believe in you."

After night 4:
???: Oh my god, what happened to you? Can you hear me? Are you able to wake up?
Tristan: Yes, I am ok. I really don't need help.

Girk: Are you sure? You fell on the concrete and it looked like you had a hard landing.

Tristan: I'm fine.


*First playground*
Tristan: Doesn't seem like this is the playground my friends are at. Maybe another one?

*Second playground*

Tristan: No sign of them around. Fancy Man's had an indoor playground. Maybe they are there.

*Almost at Fancy Man's*
Dave: TRISTAN!!!! I swear if you attempt to go one more time, I will ground you.

Tristan: Oh come on, my friends are there and I'm almost a te-

Dave: Nope.

Fun with PlushGold: The final minigame. Make it count.

The next day:

Tristan: Dad, why do you go to that place?

Dave: That place? Sometimes, adults need alone time and I spend it there with my buddies.

Tristan: Like that short guy with the hat?

Dave: Bambi? Yes I do spend time with him.

Tristan: What about that other hat guy?
Dave: Alex? He's my business partner. I don't go to the bar-I mean the juice place with him though.

Begin night 5:
"The nightmares are almost over. Play your cards right. You can finally be free of them. You can do it. No one new is coming tonight. You can do this. I believe in you."
After night 5:

???: Hey, are you ok? Wake up if you are.

Tristan: I'm fine

Alexfancypants: Hi there bud. I heard it's your birthday today and I know the best place in town to go to. I call it Fancy Man's And MrGold69's Diner! See you later.


Tristan: Finally. Dad doesn't know that I'm here because he's still at the juice place. I can go inside.

Tristan: Wow, this place is amazing! I can't wait to do all of the things I missed out on. Looks like a show is starting.

At the showroom:
Tristan: I can't believe I get to see those robots perform.

*Room suddenly goes black*

Tristan: Is it starting?

*Fancy Man appears in front of Tristan*

Fancy Man: Hello there, little man. Are you ok?

Tristan: I'm fi-

*Fancy Man turns into one of the demented animatronics*
Fancy Man: You won't be pretty soon, young man.

Begin Night 6:
"The final boss. Fancy Man inherits all of the traits of the last enemies you had to face. Stay calm. The nightmare will be over soon. You will be ok."
After night 6:

Tristan: What happened?

Dave: Tristan, are you ok?
Tristan: I think I am-

Dave: Please wake up, Tristan.

Tristan: I am already awake though.

*The scene changes to a hospital room with Tristan in a bed with Dave. Tristan was in a coma this whole time.*

Doctor: I'm sorry to say this, sir, but there's nothing else we can do. He's dead.

Dave: What!? This can't be. He can't die, not on my hands.

Doctor: It's not possible to save him. He will unfortunately die. I'm sorry.

*The room goes to black and we go back into Tristan's mind*
???: You have fallen into an unfortunate fate. Destiny has pitied you, and gave you more days to live. I'm sorry my friend, but destiny has chosen this day to be your last. Your days have been numbered from the like other lives. Only until now do you realize that Destiny and Fate mean the same thing. But don't worry my friend. I will find you a new vessel. You will live again. It isn't over.

End of story



Next up

Roblox games try not to be obvious gooner bait challenge (Impossible)

Mf's still waiting for That Week At Regalito's 2 when I announce that the lore for the entire FNAA series (TWAR is canon to it) has essentially been almost fully rewritten, meaning That Week At Regalito's 2 is going to take longer to come out:

NVM happy birthday FNAF 3

Corrupted AlexFancyPants

Mf's finding my old posts and commenting 6969 years later be like:

AlexFancyPants sings Young Girl A (AI Cover)

Why did I just see all of your guy's moms in the wild?

This is lowkey one of the coolest ways to advertise a mod dropping tbh

I hope this works

The people in my basement try not to try escaping for the 100th time in a row challenge (impossible)