1.0.0 Patch Notes:
Recoded the whole game from ground zero (Not with Clickteam)
New menu, Custom Night Modes, and two new challenges: No Stalling and Free-Scroll!
Added Vinnie and Shadow Rat in the game.
Cat enters battle mode if Vinnie and Shadow Rat are deactivated. Otherwise, he'll act as Classic Cat.
Shadow Rat now acts as Cat from the old FNaC 3 Custom Night and may teleport from side to side in the room after a certain amount of moves.
Room sequences now have a “flashlight hp” system.
Vinnie is now more forgiving and skill based.
Flash HP refills to max when Vinnie jumps to any side of the room.
Cat has a peeking delay depending on how difficult their ai is.
When Vinnie or Shadow Rat attacks, Cat’s speed of reaching you slows down by 50%.
Minor change with the cassette so that when the “weasel” plays, the cassette doesn’t make the night faster, and when Hard Cassette is enabled, if the cassette isn’t fixed and an animatronic peeks, they will just jumpscare you.
Changed the time system to 9 minutes (4 minutes and 30 seconds at minimum with the cassette playing).
Flashlight now centers with the mouse cursor :)
Laser Pointer: Shrinks your flashlight and the hitbox. The hitbox is 60% its original size.
Hard Cassette: The cassette is silent, doesn’t make the night faster, and must be played to keep awake.
No Stalling: All animatronics will enter through the doors immediately with the exception that Rat stalls only if Shadow Rat is in the bed.
Free-Scroll: Removes aim assist for the room sequence