In Fiercy Forces, the plot isn't just about "again" getting rid of the protagonist.
In here this time, the plot involves by using the protagonist to achieve the absolute goal of gaining the power, immortality and being remembered.
That's a priority of Dr. Golden "Preparation" to change his fate.
If he wants gain a total control he needs the "Player" in case here, Silent.
That's why he needs her, as like... as a one important piece that's missing to solve the puzzle.
- "What is the point of repeatedly doing the same story?
It's the Hour to perform my Master Plan!
This will be my revenge and benefit at one go!
Time to catch and make The Wild Lynx to "join" my side!
Let the hunt begin!" ~ Dr. Golden "Preparation"
He's fond of her, even he's Evil. Because of the "Connection" that in past Silent was playing in FNaS 5 as Classic Dr. Eggman and he received a good memory of being in hand of the "Player", that helped to go through the nights... until the incident. Unfortunately, this event was not up to the "Player" to do anything... to help.
Dr. Golden "Preparation" wants to fix the whole thing and became as the "Character" with the "Player" as "The One" together again, but here... the "Player" is in the Control, so he can be "leaded" to his final victorious.
That's the Plot that is a too huge one to tell in one post.
Fun Fact:
Silent when she is as a "Player", Dr. Golden "Preparation" treats her as a Partner.
On the other hand, when Silent is as an "Avatar", Dr. Golden "Preparation" then treats her as his own Creation.
And why did I also post this in "Stellar Showoff!"?
Because it's related as well. That's all what I can say, for now.
Hint: Read the Story in "Stellar Showoff!" gamepage.
Gotta go folks. Take care!