2 years ago

FNAS:R Devlog - 2

Back with another log and some good and bad news, first the bad news..

While working on the sound distraction thingy, couldnt figure out how to make it work nor would it work with anything I tried.. So I scrapped that idea.. Good news?

After thinking about a few other things, I ended up using a another door but, for the vent.. Not very original I know but, its whats possible for my skill level on Scratch lol.

Anyways, Pico will crawl through the vents, not visible on the cameras either so the only way to tell where he is will be through sound cues.. Kinda like FNAF 6 I guess.

Btw if your curious I would say the game's about 70% done still dont have a offical release date, all I can say is that I hope I can get the game out sometime this August but, if it isnt out by then you can be for sure it'll come out in September.

Alright, see ya next time!

1 comment


Next up

I dont ever see this man anymore.

What happen to him?

Ok, I didnt expect porting my game to Gamejolt would be this difficult lol

In the meanwhile heres this.


FNAS:R Devlog - 5

Rat Race Production Update

3 days ago, I hit 10 followers.. Now 23??

That’s wild guys, thanks so much!