Five Nights at The AGK Studio: Advanced Trilogy

2 years ago

[ FNaTAS Advanced Change logs ] (SPOILERS)

[Warning, this post contains ALL the changes that will be made for the recode of the original games. do not read if you wish to get at least some kind of surprise!]

[This Post will be updated as development goes on.]

FNaTAS: Advanced

-General changes-

- Smooth Scrolling
- RNG aspects have been removed
- Longer nights
- Removal of VS nights
- Additional option to change between beta menu music or normal
- Added Extras and Custom night
- Added Challenges
- Added DRP

-Ai Changes-

Leopold: Will come from either left or right door. player must shut the appropriate door when he leaves either left or right hall cam. he will sometimes try to mess with the power and try and enter the power room, if he's in cam 10 player must close the power door.

Harold: Will come from the right. player must shut the door when he appears at it

Jake: He will come from the middle hall, when he's too close the player must shut the middle hall.

Jaiden: He will come from the left door, player must shut the door when he appears at it. he will sometimes try to mess with the power and try and enter the power room, if he's in cam 10 player must close the power door.

Mallie: She will come from the middle hallway. when she's too close the player must keep the monitor or laptop up.

Golden Leopold: He will randomly appear either on the monitor or in the office, if he appears on the monitor player must simply switch the camera or pull the monitor down, if he appears in the office pulling the monitor or laptop up will be enough to make him leave.

FNaTAS 2: Advanced

-General changes-

- Moved Light energy UI
- Smooth Scrolling
- Added Extras and Custom night
- Added Challenges
- Added DRP
- Added Easter eggs

-Ai Changes-

Plastic Jaiden: He will come from the left vent, player must put on the empty leopold mask till he leaves.

Plastic Mallie: She will come from the right vent, player must put on the empty leopold mask till she leaves.

Jena (Hang girl): She will come from the Middle hall, when she gets in the office, player must quickly put the empty leopold mask til she leaves.

Fegel Puppet: He will slowly approach when he leaves Cam 13, player must put on the empty leopold mask quickly before he arrives in the office.

Withered Leopold: He will come from the left vent, player must hold the light to make him go away.

Withered Harold: He will come from the right vent, player must hold the light to make him go away.

Withered Jake: He will come from the Middle Hallway, player must shine the light at him to make him go away.

Withered Jaiden: He will slowly progress through the building, player must watch him in the cams to make him go back to the previous cam and prevent him from entering the office.

Withered Mallie: she will randomly leave the cam she's inactive in and appear in a random cam (no including the stage, vents and part and service), player must look at her to make her go inactive again.

Withered Golden Leopold: He will randomly appear at either the left vent, middle hall or right vent. player must NOT hold the light on him for too long.

FNaTAS 3: Advanced

-General changes-

-Smooth Scrolling
- Added Custom night challenges
- Added DPR
- Added Boiler mechanic
- Added Challenges
- Added BTS & Credits to extras
- Added Easter eggs
- Added Unlockable extras content
- Added Secret challenge
- Added Secret ending
- Removed filler minigame

-Ai Changes-

Springgirl: She will come from either left doorway or middle hallway or right vent, if she's at the left or middle, use the hydraulic doors to get rid of her, if she's at the vent use the toxic remover to make her leave, additionally if she's in Cam 13, hold the "Release toxic steam" button to make her leave

Phantom Leopold: He will randomly appear in the middle hall playing his music box, hold the light to make him leave or he will cause errors..

Phantom Harold: He will randomly appear on the monitor, player must quickly switch cam or pull down the monitor or he will cause errors.

Phantom Jake: He will randomly appear at either left or right side of the office player must quickly look away from him or he will cause errors.

Phantom Jena: She will Slowly appear in Cam 10, once she's fully faded in she will make her way to the right vent, when she's in the right vent, stare at her to make her leave or she will cause errors.

Phantom Fegel Puppet: He will randomly appear behind the camera or panel respectivly quickly fading in, if that happens close the equiment to make him leave or he will cause errors..

Phantom Jaiden: He will randomly start fading in, in Cam 13, hold the "Release toxic steam" button til he leaves or he will cause errors.

Phantom Mallie: She may randomly replace the Leopold stand or Box in the office with her corpse, if she does quickly look at her in either Cam 01 or Cam 09 til she leaves (her location is based on her location in the office) or she will cause errors.

Phantom Golden Leopold: He will randomly take over the reboot panel, if he does simply avoid looking at the panel or clicking anything by pulling it back down or he will cause errors..

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Next up

Five nights at Brooke's is out! (+ Birthday!)

FNaTAS 3 advanced is finally out! Happy halloween

Small clip of a bit of the gameplay.

more drawings

On a more positive note.

Made a lil model

the gangs all here!!