And look what we have here folks, Like you had all seen before with the #FirstSeries of parody characters of Jax Justun Studios, I'd made a poster for all TEN parody characters of Series Two of 2019!!!!! YEP!!!! This is no joke here folks!!! Back in the year of 2019, roughly like five years ago, I'd imagined and created like a full total of just TEN parody characters from just one series alone here folks!!!!!
That's like three more parody creations/characters more then the last series I'd created from!!!! Yeah!!!! That didn't made any sense right there though, but you all get my point there!!! I must say as well too, all of these parody characters had turned out so much better then I thought it would!!!! not only that, all of these parody characters right here were also all redesigned all from just Google Drawings alone!!!! Well, apart from a few though!!! Only one or two of them were made on Scratch.com!!!!! Yeah!!! That's a bit crazy right there folks!!!!!
And by the way, sadly guys, the parody cameo characters of Jax Justun Studios from both series one and two didn't made their appearances inside of these posters right there because they're all separate and whatnot!!! If you all know what I'd meant from that!!!! Anyways you guys, that's all of the parody characters from Series Two of the 2019s you guys!!!!! Stay tuned for next time that I'll be creating a poster of all of the parody characters and parody cameo characters from Series Three of 2020!!!!! Stay safe and have a relaxing and amazing day!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #FNatJJs3sNowBiggerThenBefore!!!!!!!!
And to once again from just refreshing all of your beloved and positive mindsets, or brains for that matter, here's the entirety of the list of all of the official parody characters of Jax Justun Studios from Series Two of 2019!!!! With of course, all of their specific dates that they were all created from!!!!! Enjoy your stays-ness everybody!!!!!!!!
Series Two of Parody Mascots: 2019s
List of Parody Characters - TEN
#8 - Mr. Vaccum - (Created on: February 1st, 2024)
#9 - Lord Vaccum - (Created on: Feb. 1st - 2nd of 2024)
#10 - Mr. Sanitorium - (Created on: February 3rd - 5th of 2024)
#11 - Mr. Crayola - (Created on: February 7th - 8th of 2024)
#12 - Lord Crayola - (Created on: February 8th - 9th of 2024)
#13 - Mr. Sewing Machine - (Created on: February 4th - 5th of 2024)
#14 - Mr. Stappular - (Created on: February 5th, 2024)
#15 - Mr. Cheffinton (Sheffinton) - (Created on: Feb. 6th, 2024)
#16 - Lord Admin - (Created on: February 10th, 2024)
#17 - Lord Eye Socket (LES) - (Created on: February 7th, 2024)

(Message Typed on: June 2nd, 2024)
I have to admit here, Series Two of 2019 was arguably one of the most biggest moments that I'd ever had in my entire life here folks!!!! These TEN parody characters right here were like the most finest and the very most detailed-ed things that I'd ever made here!!!! From Mall Keepers, to brothers and/or siblings, and towards the giant Evil Cloud Keepers!!!! The year of 2019 was the best!!!! Not the biggest one though, but overall, it was a blast and everything!!!!!
Anyways, the Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios from both Series-es One and Two of the 2018s and 2019s are on their ways sooner and later!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates you guys!!!! Have a relaxing, safe, wonderful, and outstanding summer you guys!!!!! #JaxJustunStudiosLovesYouAll!!!!! #LegendsNeverEVERgiveUp!!!!!!!!! #WelcomeToWorldOfParodies!!!!!!!!!!!!! #OOohYEEAAAHHHH!!!!!!!