As what you see up top and at the bottom of this GameJolt Post only, it's where all of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios from Series Four of 2021 lurked here!!!!! However though, this is just the #FIRSTPART of Series Four of the 2021s!!!!!
The reason why I'd split up Series Four of 2021's because there's like a lot more parody characters that I'd made here!!!!! There's only a total of SIX Parody Characters in the first part of Series Four of 2021 and there's a total of just EIGHT from the second part!!! That means there's a FULL TOTAL of FOURTEEN parody characters in just one series alone here in 2021!!!! And just like from before from Series Two of 2019 of Parody Characters, I'd mostly used Google Drawings more to remodel and redesign these parody characters from the 2021s!!!!
And just like that, the first part of Series Four of them 2021s had all turned out much more better then I thought it would!!!!!! Unfortunately though, as what I had said from the past Jax Justun Studios Videos that I'd created from the past months here in 2024 was that, I was going to take a long break from redesigning some of my parody characters of Jax Justun Studios and along that journey (or break time for that matter), I was then to start of from creating the parody characters/mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!
The parody cameo characters/mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios as well included!!!!!! And of course, this had made me skip an entirety of just one month alone!!!! Thankfully though, a month later, I'd FINALLY came back from redesigning my parody characters from Jax Justun Studios!!! Which was been active since April of 2024!!!!!
And just like that as always...........Here's of course all of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios from Series Four of Part One from their official list!!!!! Enjoy everybody!!!!! This is just wild folks!!! Am I right!!?!?!?!??!?!!!!!
Series Four of Parody Mascots (Parts ONE Only!!!!!!): 2021s
List of Parody Characters (The First Part) - SIX
#26 - Lord Virus - (Created on: February 11th, 2024)
#27 - Lord Snakehead - (Created on: February 19th, 2024)
#28 - Mr. Saxaphone - (Created on: April 20th, 2024)
#29 - Mr. Am.I.Right (AmIRight) - (Created on: April 20th, 2024)
#30 - Mrs. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) - (Created on: April 20th, 2024)
#31 - Jepporteyg - (Created on: February 17th, 2024)

(Message Typed on: June 3rd, 2024)
Well guys, that's it for now folks!!!! I know like from Series One of 2018 of parody characters from Jax Justun Studios, there wasn't much too this first part of this #4thSeries here from them 2021s!!!!! But as soon as I'll make the poster for the parody characters from the #2ndPart of Series Four of 2021, things will be much more better!!!!!
And yes, I'd also made a background as well too for this poster right here!!! Not much too it, but it was the best that I would've done here!!!!! Anyways, stay tuned for some more future updates and see you all next time!!!! #SnakesAtWarSince2021!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #BestDayEverIndeed!!!!!!
-End of Message!!!!!!