9 months ago

FNF: VS TROAG - Pray V3 Semi-Teaser (Pray, Sega Genesis)

A little thing to tease and not this Pray V3, this is not the actual song is just a Sega Genesis versi贸n of a part of the song but it still being really enjoyable. Hope you are really to wait for this



Next up

Laifer con el bate para bonkear

Redibujo de Cyn, hecho a partir de una de las escenas del corto de Glitch inn de hace unos d铆as.

Someone said that this scene goes along with every song.

So i have to try

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Me peg贸 la nostalgia (si est谩 madre me da nostalgia) e hice este dibujo del Five Nights at Sonic's.

Me gusta como qued贸

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Aldoxito - C贸mo duele (Cover instrumental)


Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 28: @Silentfaith is a great Creator and comic artist who also codes fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

Otro intento de ponerme a cantar, esta vez con un mini-cover en espa帽ol de Hold on to You, de Natewantstobattle.

Se agradecen las opiniones respecto a esto