2 years ago

FNFCC Lore Document: Explosions.

The year is 2023, specifically in July. A blue haired boy is sitting in the left hallway, next to a similar, albeit more stressed-looking copy of himself. These two are named Boyfriend and Cam, respectfully.

Boyfriend: oh hey cam wtf do u want.

Cam: ...I want out.

Boyfriend: out of wut tho?

Cam: ...this place, duh.

Boyfriend makes a face that says "u actin sus bro"

Boyfriend: bro wtfh is wrong with here?

Cam: Do I NEED to answer that?

Boyfriend fortnite dances, while cam looks at him with a conserned face.

Cam: You're a crazy son of a bitch, you know that?

Boyfriend: le gasp u swore

Cam: I don't give a quarter of a shit, man.

Fasttoon comes up.

Fasttoon: Guys I Think accidentally pressed a button that would make the place explo-

The entire place explodes, with very few surviving:

8-Bit ryan is in a box in an alternate dimension so he survived.

Afton just kinda didn't show up that day.

The Arrows did in fact survive, as they are godlike entities that exist for reasons.

BF Apperition is a ghost so he survived.

Blacklight Boyfriend died.

Bob's onslaught (or what's left of him) was never found, and presumably survived somehow.

Daddy dearest was about a mile outside the place and survived, albeit scared shitless because he has a family.

Fasttoon presumably is dead, though is body isn't found.

Glow monster was badly injured but survived.

Keith survived, as he didn't give a fuck.

Big Man Survived, but little man died.

Lucky Boy is burnt.

The Golden Apple Icon Collection just kinda didn't die, but that's mainly because they're more like a prop that can move to camera to camera.

Monday little man is fucking dead.

Nostaliga survived, and still rants about FNF being worse than ever to some extent.

Parappa died, but not his Benis. Sad, lol.

Robot Chicken Spongebob is now what the krabby patty is made of. Dead, in other words.

Skid and Pump Survived.

Spy Survived.

Soldier was already dead.

Super Emerald GF is dead.

Toy BF isn't dead, somehow.

Uli... is a fucking ghost.

Negate Rainbow BF is in another dimension but that doesn't mean that he's 100% okay.

Encore BF is dead.

Catastrophe Pacman survived but not with his sanity in tact.

Dib is fucking dead.

Blue Balled BF is immortal, soo, no dead.

And Cam, Boyfriend and GirlFriend were never confirmed dead or alive.

Daddy dearest watches on the sidelines.

Daddy Dearest: What in the Pepperoni Secret happened!?

Glow monster, Keith and Big Man get up.

Glow Monster: W h a t j u s t h a p p e n e d ?

Keith: I dunno bro, but it certainly didn't kill me.

Big Man: Man, that sucked.

Parappa gets up, not noticing and/or caring about the fact his crotch is destroyed, with the Spy, skid and pump getting up as well.

Parappa: What the fuck... just happened...?

Skid: Uhhhh, parappa?

Parappa: Yeah?

Pump: I dunno how to say this but uhh...

Spy: What the HELL!? Why is your crotch-

Parappa: Oh that? That got blown up, I think. RIP Balls, I guess.

Spy: ...Oh, merde...

Spy Facepalms as Toy BF, Uli, a really freaked-out Pacman and Blueballed Boyfriend get up as well.

Toy BF: mf what just happened?

Uli: I think the place blue up.

Pacman: ...

Blue Balled BF: *Confused sans noises*

Spy groans, a bit annoyed and pissed.

Spy: This is worse than the time I had Buttsex with Keith.

Keith: You do realize I'm here, right?

Spy: ...FUCK!

Parappa: Guys, guys, shut up. How the hell did this happen?

Big Man: I think someone pressed the button that blows the place up with an explosion.

Keith: How the shit do we have one of those in the first place?

Daddy Dearest: That... was my fault, wanted to have a secure measurement for when something bad happens.

Toy BF looks at him with a face that doesn't give a fuck.

Toy BF: what the shrimp kinda bad things would require that m8?

Daddy Dearest: ...You make a fair point.

The known surviving guys look around to see if anyone else survived. Meanwhile, at a dark and grimey place, a familar face is talking to an unknown entity.

Fleetway Super Sonic: Good job on pressing the self destruct button.

???: *noises of graditude and sadisticness*

Fleetway Super Sonic: So what're gonna do with these 4?

Fleetway sonic points to 4 orbs made of mist, one blue, one velvet, one white and one green.

???: *noises implying something along the lines of an unexpected part of a plan.*

Fleetway Super Sonic: Fuck I forgot... Soul Transfiguration! Always works.

???: *noises of agreement*

Fleetway Super Sonic: I'll be getting to that, need anything else?

???: *noises of requesting to be careful*

Fleetway Super Sonic: Don't worry your ASS off! I'll be fine.

Fleetway Super Sonic leaves, taking the orbs with him.

Who is this entity? Why did he blow up the place? And what does Fleetway have to do with this? I dunno, man, I'm just a hand, you... funck.



Next up

I Finally Finished all the main FNaF1 Redesigns.


How did HE get into fnaf1?

#GJAsks I think the first game i ever beat is Mario Galaxy.

Although another game (phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension (wii)) does come to mind.

Decided to make this little minicomic.

All OCs (O_Deadmeatboy, Virus Pico) made by me.

Found another "FNaF1 character remake" image I did for FNaF 1's 10th Anniversary. Only finding it right now.

Technically Politically Charged (37) - Most Bad Game of the Year 2023

i just realized


well shit.

probably'll do a bit of both.

you'll see ;)

The Negate Rainbow BF Known as Evan joins the Funkin'!


Relatable peppino moment imo