2 years ago

for people wandering why I have not been posting lately well here is you answer 2 words Pokémon

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today I'm talking about walnuts mechanic his mechanic is literally bonnie LOL!!!

Today I'm going to talk about peashooters mechanic for five nights at peashooters he will start on the show stage and make his way to your office from both hallways if you see him at your left or right entrance to your office close the appropriate door.

Today I’m talking about Puffshroom’s mechanic. She will start in the party room 1 stage and make her way to the left door. If you see her at the door, close it. If she gets in she will disable the door controls for the night except for the vent door.

Ain’t no way bro

I brought VR phantom tails legs back:)

More progress (still a wip)

oh hey look another new me! unlike the last one this one was actually made by void that's why it looks better and why a have a new avatar is because void said if I wanted a new avatar obliviously said yes because my second avatar look very bad

today I'm talking about Potato Mine’s mechanic his mechanic is literally just Foxy’s LOL!!!

today I'm talking about sunflowers mechanic her mechanic is literally just Chicas LOL!!!