Blood Friends is a series created on YouTube by Latias Girl (Gloomy Kaijuuu) when episode 7 released. She decided to not continue it anymore because she doesn’t want to be known as the Blood Friends creator anymore. So she unlist all the Blood Friends videos. And then. In August (I think?) She decides to delete all of the Blood Friends episodes. And then. Her channel got banned. So I was able to reupload all the episodes
2 years ago
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My most liked comment
The best thing that I've ever made
Yeah #JoltShot
The Mouse That Smiles Back(I Made This)
@shurifin why did you block me?
Another picture from Japan #photoday
I just wanna post YTP's and edits again why do you gotta fail to update?
rip Azizal. He made this fanart for my DnB OC Ethan