You know what people, I really can't keep promises, especially if they are not the positive ones. Finishing the game is of course good, but I should have just looked into the thing by myself. I did not succeed with JDK/SDK stuff in Clickteam back then and decided to give up on the idea. First off, what am I talking about? That's an Android Port. Right after the Update was posted I've tried installing the needed exporters and I got the thing working! Doing some tests and experimenting with the .mfa , it's working! And do you know what that means? A port for an almost a year old fangame is going to happen! I know I said I'm done with it but this is the last possible push after which I stop the game support.
Also, that's very distantly connected and you wouldn't get the thing otherwise, but I did a silent update for the game which simply changes one single sprite. Yeah I reuploaded the whole thing just for one original render in one of the Game Over screens. It's mentioned in the log from now on. If we are still going, we go fo real. Now depends on you if you would like to redownload the 700 MB file to see that. It's basically the same thing I did with FFPS OCN Update, I was not happy at all with the new shortcut controls I've added so I silently removed them just changing the dev log. More you know. It was the final thing for that project and so it will be for this one.
Other things that are as (or maybe more) important as this announcement is the project collaboration between my friend and my "status update". I'm so sick of hyping that up and making you feel worried about me I'll just tell you to focus on stuff more important like my friends' projects. This time I take everything seriously and try not to stretch the time between these events. Like with this post. If I do that again, just ignore me. That's all I've got to say right now, hope you are waiting for at least something from here. Port is scheduled to be done by the end of this month
P.S.: You should probably expect some more posts teasing the port, will probably be some gameplay recorded