and also, here's an old screenshot of early character designs for the universe in general. Obviously there's some differences compared to the modern or final designs.
Baby Mayrio doesn't exist
Evil Lugig has a green outline
Gambo was redesigned and renamed to Gomba
King B mainly uses the Luigi's Mansion design now (and was renamed to Kign B)
Lama was renamed to Looma, and probably got a haircut or something
Pech uses a less harsh pink, same with wayrio's nose
Pirana Plant complies with his original counterpart more
Rosline's skin color
Toddette has a dress now
Walugig looks better
Yawshi never existed, and fnal yoshi is called Yossh, and he has a much more solid design.
Of course not all of these characters went to fnal, because they're part of a different kind of series, but it's interesting to take a trip down memory lane